Wudu (Ablution) and Some necessary things related to it

Wudu (Ablution)

There are usually two ways to purify yourself from impurity. Namely: 1. Wudu (Ablution), 2. Ghusl (Bathing). All Muslims perform Ghusl to be purified from major impurities. And they perform Wudu to purify themselves from minor impurities.

So there are various issues related to Wudu (Ablution). Among those, I will discuss some general and vital things that must be known. And at the same time, I will mention the words of the Quran and Hadith with those. So let’s understand first what is wudu means.

What is Wudu (Ablution)?

Wudu is Using clean water on specific organs. These organs are the face, two hands, the head and two legs. [Nail Al-Awtar Sharh Muntaqa Al-Akhbar, volume 1, page 251]

The scholars of Hanafi Madhhab said: wudu (ablution) is washing and wiping specific organs. [Al-Ikhtiyar li-Sharh Al-Mukhtar, volume 1, page 7]

Basically, wudu is the washing and wiping of specific organs in a particular method. I mean, When certain things happen within oneself, then the limbs which Allah Ta’ala has commanded to be washed and wiped, those limbs to wash and wipe according to the taught method of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) is Wudu.

And Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever performs Wudu as commanded and performs Salah as commanded, will be forgiven for his previous actions.” [Sunan An-Nasa’i, Hadith No. 144]

Why is Wudu (Ablution) important?

If a person is in a state of minor impurity, Islam does not allow him to perform certain acts of worship until he becomes pure. Such as Salah, touching the Qur’an, circumambulation of the Kabah, etc. So if one performs such acts of worship intentionally without performing ablution or in a state of minor impurity, he will be a sinner. And he will not get any reward for his worship. At the same time, Allah Ta’ala will not accept these acts of worship.

So Allah Ta’ala has obligated upon the Muslims to perform ablution before performing all those acts of worship. So that they may perform those acts of worship of Allah in a state of purity and so that they may protect themselves from falling into sin.

In addition, ablution removes dirt from Muslims’ faces, hands, and feet. Wudu extinguishes the anger of the Angerer person and cleanses human sins. It relieves fatigue and brings peace of mind.

Virtues of wudu

There are many hadiths in this regard. So I am mentioning only two hadiths from those Hadiths.

Uthman bin Affan (R.) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah peace be upon him) said: “Whoever performs ablution, and he performs ablution well, his sins would come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 466]

Abu Huraira (R.) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) came to the graveyard and said: “Peace be upon you! O Inhabitant of the grave, the believing people. And verily we will join you, Insha Allah. I love to see our brothers.” They (the hearers) said: Are we not your brothers, O Messenger of Allah? He said: You are my companions, and our brothers are those who have, so far, not come (into the world).

They said: O Messenger of Allah, how would you recognize those persons of your Ummah who have not come (into the world)? He said: Suppose a man has a bright forehead and a white hand-footed horse among the many black horses. Tell me, Will he does not recognize his own horses? They said: Certainly, O Messenger of Allah. He said: They will come with bright forehead and white hand-footed owing to ablution, and I will arrive at the Cistern (Al-Kawsar) before them. Some people would be driven away from my Cistern like the stray camel is driven away. I will call (them): Come, come. Then it would be said (to me): These people changed (your religion) after you, and then I would say: Go away, Go away”. [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 472]

What is the Fard (Obligatory acts) of Wudu?

Everyone agrees that there are four obligatory acts in ablution. However, apart from these four acts, some other works are considered as obligatory acts of ablution. And there are differences of opinion among the scholars about those acts. That is why I am mentioning all the obligatory acts of ablution step by step.

  • To do Niyyah (intention of wudu)
  • Washing the face once
  • Washing both hands once, including the elbows
  • Wiping one-fourth of the head once
  • Washing both feet once, including the ankles
  • Maintaining continuity
  • Not doing delay for a long time in washing and wiping one limb after another

To do Niyyah (intention of wudu)

Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (R.): I heard Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) saying, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for.” [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 1]

However, some scholars have said that it is Sunnah to do Niyyah (intention of wudu) for ablution.

Washing the face once

Allah Ta’ala said: O you who have believed! when you rise to (perform) prayer, wash your faces and your hands to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. [Surah Al-Maidah, verse 6]

Washing both hands once, including the elbows

It is proven that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) washed both hands, including the elbows, while performing ablution. His act was the description of the ablution indicated in the verse of the Quran. And it is not narrated that He forsook washing elbows in wudu. [Al-Mawsuat al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyah, page: 28846]

Wiping one-fourth of the head once

Ibn Mughira narrated it from his father (R), The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) wiped over his socks, the nozzle of the head, and his turban. [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 274]

And usually, the nozzle of the head is one-fourth of the head.

Washing both feet once, including the ankles

Because the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) washed two feet, including ankles, while performing ablution. This act of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is proved strongly in ablution. [Fiqh As-Sunnah, volume 1, page: 44]

Verily, Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to perform ablution well and to use water well in every organ. Once while performing ablution, he noticed that many people’s heels were dry and water had not reached their heels. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Woe (Terrible punishment) of Hell for the (dry) heels. Make your ablution thorough.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 251]

Maintaining continuity

That is, in the case of washing and wiping, to maintain the continuity of the limbs that Allah has mentioned in ablutions. Because Allah Ta’ala has mentioned those limbs in ablution step by step, and Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) has maintained continuity in ablution for the rest of his life, in the case of washing and wiping.

Indeed, wudu (ablution) is a worship that includes different acts attached to each other. So continuity is obligated in them, as like Salah, Hajj. [Al-Mughni of Ibn Qudama, volume 1, page: 136]

Again, many scholars have said ‘Maintaining continuity’ is the sunnah of ablution. They do not consider it an obligatory act of ablution.

Not doing delay for a long time in washing and wiping one limb after another

Because Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) did not delay for a long time in washing and wiping one limb after another in ablution. He purified his limbs serially in wudu. [Al-Mawsuat al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyah, page: 25495]

Narrated some companions of the Prophet (R): The Prophet (peace be upon him) saw a person performing Salah, and there was a bright small part equal to the space of a dirham on the above of his foot; the water did not reach it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) commanded him to repeat the ablution and Salah. [Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 175]

Indeed, Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) did not say to him, “Go and wash that space. And it is enough for your ablution.” Instead, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) commanded him to do wudu again.

But many scholars also have said ‘Not doing delay in washing and wiping and doing them serially’ is the sunnah of wudu (ablution). They do not consider it an obligatory act of wudu too.

What are the things that break wudu?

1. To come out something from the toilet or urinal way.

In this regard, Allah Ta’ala said: “Or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself (i.e., comes from the washroom).” [Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 6]

So if something comes out from the path of the toilet or urinal, then it will break wudu.

2. To fall into a deep sleep that causes to remove the feelings or to sleep by sitting in such a way so that the buttocks do not stay still on the ground.   

Narrated Ali bin Abi Talib (R.): The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: The two eyes are the fastener of the anus, So one who sleeps should perform ablution. [Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 203]

3. Craziness. 

The Fuqaha (Muslims theologians versed in the religious law of Islam) agreed that verily Craziness, whether it is more or less, is the reason for Broken Wudu. [Rawdat al-Talibin, volume 1, page: 74]

4. Unconscious. 

Imam Ibn Al-Munjir (Rh) said: All Muslim scholars agree that whose sense goes down through the craziness Or who unconscious, on him to purify is obligated. And Imam An-Nawawi (Rh) said: All Mujtahids of Muslim Ummah agreed that the craziness and the unconscious are reasons for broken wudu. [Mawsuah Ahkam At-taharah Li Abu Umar Dubaiyan, Volume 10, Page 676]

5. Drunkenness.

Drunkenness usually removes the sense of people. And which things remove the understanding and sense of people, it becomes a reason for broken wudu.

And the Fuqaha (Muslims theologians versed in the religious law of Islam) agreed that drunkenness is a reason for broken wudu. [Hashiya Ibn Abidin, volume 1, page: 97]

6. Touching one’s private parts with one’s hands without any covering. 

Narrated Abu Huraira (R.): The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever’s hand reaches his private parts, there is no covering between his hand and private parts, he must perform ablution.” [Nailul Awtar, Hadith No. 254]

Some things obligate ablution as cautionary

7. Vomiting too much or vomiting frequently.

Madan bin Abi Talhah narrated from Abu Ad-Darda (R.) that “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) vomited, so he broke fast, Then he performed Wudu (Ablution).” So I met Thawban (R) in a Masjid in Damascus, and I mentioned that to him. Then Thawban (R) said: ‘He (Abu Ad-Darda R.) told the truth, I poured the water for his (i.e., Messenger of Allah) Wudu.” [Jami at-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 87]

8. To come out from any part of the body more blood.

It was narrated that Aishah (R.) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever vomits or has a nosebleed, or the eaten food comes out (to the mouth from the belly) or the Moji (prostatic fluid) comes out, he should go back (i.e., let he stop praying), then perform ablution, Then he should ‘Bena’ on his prayers (that is, he should complete the rest of his prayers), and while he is in that state he should not speak (to anyone).” [Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith No. 1221]

9. Eating camel meat.

It was narrated that Jabir bin Samurah (R.), said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) commanded us to perform ablution after eating camel meat and not to perform ablution after eating the meat of goat.” [Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith No. 495]

Our Dua

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the grace to perform ablutions properly and give us Tawfiq to perform its obligatory acts correctly. Ameen.


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