How to index a website on Google?


index a website
After launching a website, We think about how to index it in Google and other search engines. There are many things that if you do them right, Google and another search engine will easily index a website. So I will describe them step by step so that you can easily understand what to do.

And I will not avoid mentioning things that are very helpful to you for search engine optimization. Now let’s start the discussion.

Why need to index a website?

The most important is indexing your website on Google and another search engine. There is no value for any website without it. And every online person can not know any service If search engines do not index a website. There are many search engines in the world. Google, Bing, and Yahoo are very familiar among them.

I will discuss just the google indexing process. If you can do this, other search engine processes will be easier for you to do. And don’t forget Google is the most popular search engine. It is better if it indexed automatically on Google. But if it is not, then you have to do some work seriously. If you are a beginner, don’t forget to do it.

What things to do for indexing a website?

There are several important works to index a website on Google after launching it. Do not ignore those at all. Always pay attention to do those tasks. Initially, these tasks are very effective in indexing a website on Google. Those are:

  • SSL/TLS certificate setup
  • Update sitemap and robots.txt file
  • SEO friendly theme install
  • Connect website to Google search console and Google analytics
  • Unique content
  • Regular post
  • Specific time 
  • Internal linking
  • Identify the technical issue
  • Social Submission
  • URL Inspection

So now I am going to explain the above works continuously. I will describe it in such a way that you can understand everything clearly. Then you can know what to do for indexing a website.

SSL/TLS certificate setup

You must set up an SSL/TLS certificate on your website. Without it, your website is not safe for anyone. Any hacker can hack information from your website if you do not set up that certificate. And without it, the value of your website will be much lower, and it may take a long time to get indexed by Google and other search engines.

Update sitemap and robots.txt file

Update your sitemap and ‘robots.txt file of your website thoroughly. These contribute the most to the indexing and ranking of websites in search engines. You pay attention to do this seriously and take help from the expert person about it.

At the same time, Remove unnecessary things from the sitemap. Some people keep unnecessary things on their sitemaps. For example, categories, tags, formats, author archives, etc. But it is not important to have them on it. It can have a bad effect on your website. So Be careful about it and remove them from your sitemaps. Otherwise, you would get problems with your google search console.

And after submitting the sitemap on the Google search console, you will see there ‘Couldn’t fetch’ in red color. Don’t worry; It will fix in a few hours or a few days. It depends on your website updating. And don’t forget your website is new and there may be some things missing. When these problems are solved, you will see ‘success’ in green color.

SEO friendly theme install

You must install SEO friendly theme for your website. There are many themes those slow down the website. Pick a theme by selecting Verification. Don’t hurry for that. You can use paid themes. And if you want to use free themes, then use themes by checking and selecting from the themes that are inside WordPress.

Generally, SEO-friendly themes load faster, and additional programming language is less. As a result, Google can easily crawl and index a website of this type of theme. Never use the crack version paid theme. Otherwise, your website will be hacked in the future and will definitely crash at some point.

Connect website Google search console and Google analytics

Connect your website well with Google search console and Google analytics. If you do not, Google will not be able to identify your website easily. For this case, It may take a long time for your site to be indexed.

You can better monitor the interior of your website with the Google search console. And with Google Analytics, you can verify your external status. You can use these two for free, and you don’t have to spend any money on the two.

Unique content

You must publish as much error-free content as possible. Do not publish any content by copying from someone. You will create audio, video, images, and other things for the website yourself. If necessary, create content without copying with the help of others.

And you will try very hard to improve its quality. If you publish duplicate content from someone, you will be in big trouble in the future. And if your content is of high quality, there is a 100% guarantee that it will be indexed.

Regular posts

Try to post regularly or on specific days. Don’t do this; You posted today, then you didn’t post for 2 days. Or don’t do this too; You posted today, then posted a week later, then posted a month later. If you are busy, Determine a day for posting. For example, Post every week on Monday, then on Thursday. Or post on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th of every month.

Specific times

Post at specific times and remember it. For example, You posted at 9.00 am. Now post another day at the same time. And Remember that time. Time table is very responsive to the Google bot. It comes at that time and leaves your website at its appointed time. So schedule a time for the post and keep it on your mind and memory.

Regular posts and Specific times help to index a website immediately. And they invite the google bot to come to your website quickly.

Internal linking

Keep your post link on a page that was previously indexed. If there is an error in your internal link and outbound link, please fix it quickly. Don’t ignore that. Because when Googlebot comes to your indexed page, it will crawl your page and enter the link to your post. Then it will identify your post and take it.

Identify technical issue

Check your Post URL carefully and appropriately. Fix the issue if you find it there. Perfect your URL from any critical problem. Don’t hurry to resolve the problem and Do work at ease. Every problem must have a solution. Try to solve the problem yourself if you know about it. Otherwise, Take refuge in an experienced person seriously.

Social Submission

Share your perfect URL on your social media first. Mention 4 things in your social post. 1. Post-title, 2. Post-meta description, 3. Post-URL, and 4. Post-feature image.

Don’t share your URL in every space on social media. If you share it in inapplicable spaces, it will be harmful to your website. Therefore share it carefully in a safe place. Don’t forget to check the places and apply strategies.

URL Inspection

After updating the sitemap, Copy your website URL. Then you will go to GSC (Google search console) and click URL Inspection. And paste your website URL in there. Press the Enter button on your keyboard. Then maybe GSC can tell you, that the URL is not on Google. Don’t worry; It tells every new URL like this.

So you will find two options. 1. REQUEST INDEXING, 2. TEST LIVE URL. Now you click on the TEST LIVE URL. So here, wait a while. Thereafter, GSC will show you a massage. That is, the URL is available to Google. I mean, your URL is submitted to Google successfully.

Then click on REQUEST INDEXING. Wait a while too. Then it will show you a popup. In which is written Indexing requested. Now click on GOT IT. Now you wait 4 days to 4 weeks.

Even after doing the above tasks well, if your website is not indexed and there are no errors in your content, you will not be disappointed. Do post consistently and Follow the correct rules policy. Suddenly you will see your website is indexed. So work regularly and be patient for a long time.

I think this content has helped you to learn a lot briefly. Don’t forget to inform your valuable feedback in the comment box. Thank you so much for reading this article.


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