An easy way to backup and restore a WordPress website

backup and restore

The value of his website is much higher for the website owner. Every human being preserves his valuables well to protect them from harm. Similarly, every website owner needs to keep a backup of his valuable website in order to take good care of it, so that it does not suffer major losses due to unwanted errors and he can restart it quickly.

So now I will mention all the things that you can easily backup your WordPress website if you keep in mind. And you can do active it if it suddenly stops working and can restore it quickly if it ever crashed due to an error.

What is a website backup?

Website backup is to leave a copy of the website. If the website ever crashed, the website owner can replace that copy on it.

The website manager will set a backup of the website immediately after launching it. It is not desirable to ignore it at all. Since adding and subtracting a lot of things on the website can cause problems due to some errors. So to have a backup is very helpful to get rid of any website-related problem easily. This will save both time and labor.

How to backup a WordPress website? 

There are many plugins to backup WordPress websites. One of them is the plugin UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin. Now I will explain to you how you can easily backup your WordPress website using it.

First, install and activate the Updraft plus plugin. Thereafter go to its settings. There you will definitely find 5 options. These are 1. Backup / Restore, 2. Migrate / Clone, 3. Settings, 4. Advanced Tools and 5. Premium / Extensions. Now click on the Settings option. There you will find two texts. These are the Files backup schedule and Database backup schedule. There are 2 boxes with each. There are 4 boxes in total.

Set weekly in the first two boxes and set 5 in the second box. This means that your website will be automatically backed up 1 time per week, and a total of 5 backups from the last 5 weeks will be stored in your storage.

Then when you crawl down, you will see another text. That is ‘Choose your remote storage (tap on an icon to select or unselect)‘ and Now select the remote storage in which you want to keep your backup files. For example, you want to keep your backup files in Google Drive. Then click him. It will highlight in blue color. 

Then you crawl down a little. You will get 4 options to mark in the Include in files backup. The 4 options are Plugins, Themes, Uploads, and Any other directories found inside wp-content. Mark these 4 options.

Final step 

Then crawl down again. If you want to know about your backup via email, mark the box next to the email text, and if you do not want to know via email, you do not need to mark the box next to the email text. Now click on the Save changes button.

UpdraftPlus will then provide you with a link to connect it to the remote storage. Once the UpdraftPlus is connected to your remote storage, an orange color window will show you. Now you click on the complete setup option. Notice the image below to see what the orange color windows will look like.

complete setup

UpdraftPlus will take you to its dashboard after clicking on the complete setup option. Now you click on the Backup Now button.  Then you will get some options. Of these, you must mark 3 options. The options are 1. Include your database in the backup, 2. Include your files in the backup and 3. Send this backup to remote storage. Thereafter, click on the Backup Now button below.

When your backup is complete, you will see 1 next to the Existing backups. This means that your website has become a backup. If you want, you can download your backup file from Google Drive and keep it in any of your local storage. If you accidentally clean all the data from Google Drive, you can re-upload your downloaded backup file to Google Drive. This way, you do not have to worry about the website backup. 

What is restoration?

In a word, Restore is the recovery of lost things. If your backed-up WordPress website doesn’t work for some reason and you can log in to your WordPress admin panel, don’t worry. You will be able to restore your site easily.

How to restore a WordPress website?

All you have to do is go to the Backup / Restore option of your updraft plugin first. Then go down, and see a function called Existing backups. You will see the restore button there. If your website has a lot of backups, then you will get a lot of restore buttons. From there, click the Restore button on the date you want to set the backup to.

Then you will get a chance to mark 5 boxes. Mark all the boxes from there. Then click the Restore button below. Wait a while right now. Then if the restore is successful, you will go to your WordPress dashboard. Now you give your site a refresh / reload. So you will see that your site is fine again.

How to recover crashed WordPress website

If your website crashes in such a way that your website is no longer working, and you can’t even access your own WordPress admin panel, you need to do three things to get your website up and running.

  1. Remove crashed website from hosting
  2. Install WordPress properly on the same domain
  3. Restore backup files from remote storage

I will describe each of the above issues step by step. And I will set the title for each.

Remove crashed website from hosting

First, you go to the hosting Cpanel. Then click on WordPress. Then you go down and click on the Remove option. Notice the image below to recognize it. 


Click on the cross option. A new window will open. Then crawl down and click on Remove installation. Wait some time for it to be removed. Now your old website has been removed. And keep in mind that not all hosting companies are the same. Different hosting has different methods to remove it. So there is nothing to worry about. You can easily remove it with a little research.

Install WordPress properly on the same domain

To install WordPress with the domain of the website that crashed is very easy. I will mention it briefly. 

Set the latest version in the choose the version you want to install option, Put HTTPS in choose Protocol, Enter the name of your crashed website in choose domain. The Directory must be left blank. There is no need to write anything. Then unmark the Enable multisite (WPMU) option. Then enter the Admin User name as you like, enter the strong password in the Admin Password, and always input your practical email in the Admin email.  And remember your admin name and password seriously. If necessary, write it down and save it.

Then set English to Select Language, then unmark the Select Plugins. Skip the Advanced options. There is no need to select any one of the Select Themes. Enter your previous email in the box next to the Email installation details option. Finally, click on the blue color install button. If WordPress is successfully installed, you will be given 2 links. 1 for your WordPress admin panel and another to show the status of the front of your website. 

Restore backup files from remote storage

To restore your backup files from remote storage, install and activate the UpdraftPlus plugin now. Then connect it to your remote storage, which has the backup files of your website.  And the method of connecting I have already described. Once fully connected, you will go on the Existing Backup option in the UpdraftPlus. 

There are usually three options. Namely: Upload backup filesRescan local folder for new backup sets, and Rescan remote storage. So you click on Rescan remote storage. And wait for a while. Then you will see below that updraft has got the backup files in your remote storage. Now you restore it. After the success of the restore, refresh your website again. Now you will see that your crashed website is working nicely.

I hope that with what you have learned from this article, you can back up your and other websites, and you can easily restore the backed-up website if it does not work or crashes. Thank you for reading this article slowly.


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