Basic knowledge about domain and hosting

domain and hosting

You must have domain and hosting if you want to own a website for yourself or someone else.  Some people among us don’t have a good idea about domain and hosting. If you rent them without knowing basic things, you’ll be in danger in the future. By the way, Now I will tell you some things that will help you to give an initial idea about them. And If you have no idea about them, you should not ignore every upcoming point. Now let’s start the points. 

What are domain and hosting?

Domain is a website name with an extension. For example,,,; So google, mp3quran, hunter are domain  and .com, .net, .io are extension.

And, when you visit a website, you will find text, images, videos, files, and more there. The place where these are stored is Hosting.

There are many important things in domain and hosting. Domain-related points I will mention under the domain. And Hosting-related subjects I will describe inside the hosting. I will let you know every necessary subject step by step. And try to give you basic knowledge about domain and hosting.

Domain and its related points

Here, I will discuss some topics that are associated with the domain. These are

  • Types of Domain
  •  Domain name idea
  • Things to do before buying a domain

I will try to present each of the above topics beautifully. I will explain the summary in such a way that there is no difficulty in understanding well. A long discussion is very boring for everyone.

Types of Domain

There are mainly two types of domains. 1. Root Domain, 2. Subdomain. A root domain is a domain that contains only names and extensions. You have seen it in the domain definition before. And a subdomain is a domain that contains some information and dot before the main domain name and extension.

For example,,,, etc. Consequently, blog, spider, theme are subdomains, and,, are the main domains.

Domain name idea

For that, you need a keyword. Specify your niche first to choose a keyword. There are many niches in your area like the education sector, healthcare sector, real estate, technology, etc. Then select a specific segment. For example, your niche is technology. There are so many things in technology. So you selected ‘laptop which is a specific segment of technology. Suppose now you found your keyword. That is ‘laptop.

Then you will go to domain name generator sites. Thereafter, enter your keyword on the search box. Then you will find many results for your domain name idea. I know 3 sites about it. These are,,; You can check them.

Things to do before buying a domain

Select the best extension: Select the best extension: I suggest you prefer the .com extension. That is best for google ranking. Although other extensions also rank. But .com extension websites rank higher. If you can’t accept the .com, Try to take the .net. Then .org. 

Short name: Make your domain name shorter and do that good meaningful. It should be 7 characters or less then. That is easy to read and remember.

Choose the right character: Use in your domain name lowercase character. Don’t take a special character, number, uncommon letter. 

Avoid trademarked terms: That is, Avoid domain names used by the largest companies worldwide. And  Don’t take domain names that registered different industries already. For example, You kept your domain name ‘, or; If Yahoo company or GoDaddy company notice that you used their name in your domain, They will report to your domain company against you. Then they will bane your that domain name.  

Social link availability: Check your domain name is available on the social link or not. For example, your domain name is ‘laptop. So it will in the Facebook link. And it will be in the YouTube link.

For checking it, you will go to a site. Its name is Then enter your keyword on the search box and press the enter on your keyboard. Now crawl down and look at usernames results. View the below picture for identity.

If your preferred domain name is available on the social link, you will find a green icon. And if it is unavailable, you will find a red icon. Such as you saw in the picture above.

Hosting and its related subjects

Here, I will mention a few things that are related to hosting. These are

  • Types of Hosting
  • Advantage and difficulty of those
  • Things to do before take to rent hosting

I will describe the above things simply way. And I will not go to a long discussion. My goal is only to mention these issues in short clearly. 

Types of Hosting

There are mainly two types of Hosting. 1. Local Hosting, 2. Live Hosting. 

Local hosting is the place of content, audio, files, and more things on your website. That is not always connected to the website. As long as you keep it connected to the website, it stays connected to it, and when you go offline, it also automatically disconnects from the website, despite your reluctance.

Live hosting is hosting that is always connected with your website. Even if you are offline, it does not disconnect from your website if you follow the rules.

Just as you rent a house, shop, etc., you need to rent live hosting. Those who provide rent hosting are called hosting providers. They always keep the hosting attached to your website because you pay them. And if you don’t pay them, they will disconnect the hosting from your website. 

Types of live hosting

There are usually four types of live hosting. Namely: 1. Shared hosting, 2. VPS hosting, 3. Dedicated hosting, 4. Cloud hosting.

Shared hosting is hosting whose main server resources are shared among many people. And everyone benefits from it together. For example, a lot of people rent a room, and everyone starts to benefit from it.

VPS hosting is hosting whose main server resources are split into virtual servers. And everyone is provided with an individual server. Suppose, You have rented a VIP room from within a house. Only you have the right to that room. No one else has the right to it without you. So VPS hosting is like a VIP room. 

Dedicated hosting is hosting whose main server resources are not shared between multiple people. Rather, it is given to only one person. For example, You have rented a whole house alone. You have no partners in there.

Cloud hosting is hosting that uses different multiple remote servers. And provides server resources to multiple people in proportion to their needs. It is like VPS hosting as a new update version. 

Advantage and difficulty

Just as everything has its advantages and disadvantages, so does hosting have its advantages and disadvantages. So I will briefly mention the advantages and disadvantages of each hosting so that you can easily remember it. I will mention the heading for each hosting. Then I will describe its advantages and disadvantages.

Local hosting

The advantage of local hosting is- 

  • You can use it for free. 
  • Very helpful for practice and learning. 
  • It works like live hosting. 

The difficulty of local hosting is- 

  • If you connected it to the website, it stays connected to it, and when you go offline, it also automatically disconnects from the website, 
  • If you do not connect it to the website while you are online, it will not connect automatically. 
  • It does not provide services like live hosting. 
Shared hosting

The advantage of Shared hosting is- 

  • There is a low monthly rental package. 
  • Best for the beginner person. 
  • Everyone can set up a website easily. 

The difficulty of Shared hosting is- 

  • As traffic to one’s website increases, another’s website becomes slower. 
  • Website performance will not be under your control. 
  • Server resources are shared with every person.
VPS hosting

The advantage of VPS hosting is- 

  • The monthly rent is lower than dedicated hosting.
  • Faster page loading speed. 
  • You will be able to custom configuration in your server.

The difficulty of VPS hosting is- 

  • Set Up a website is not easy as shared hosting.  
  • Limitation in control. 
  • The monthly rent is higher than shared hosting. 
Dedicated hosting

The advantage of Dedicated hosting is- 

  • High security and super-fast loading
  • Server resources are just for you. It will not share with other persons.  
  • Everything will be under your control. 

The difficulty of Dedicated hosting is- 

  • The monthly rent is very big-budget and expensive.  
  • You must have technical knowledge.  
  • Every responsibility of hosting is on you. 
Cloud hosting

The advantage of Cloud hosting is- 

  • The monthly rent is lower than VPS hosting. 
  • You can use resources according to your demand. 
  • Unexpected downtime is much less. 

The difficulty of Cloud hosting is- 

  • The monthly rent is not fixed all time. 
  • More bills could come in any month. It depends on your visitors.  
  • Customization is limited.

Things to do before taking to rent hosting

You will rent the hosting by sorting the verification. And try to take the domain and hosting from one place. Because of You don’t have to carry any problem separately. Here are a few things to keep in mind before taking to rent hosting. 

SSL/TLS certificate: Look for companies that offer hosting, Whether they give SSL/TLS certificates. If they give it easily, That is good; Otherwise, take hosting from the company that gives a permanent SSL/TLS certificate. 

User friendly: Verify whether the c-panel is attached to the hosting. Some companies do not attach it. As a result, you will get in trouble. Again You will need to rent a new c-panel. 

Storage: Initially, you can take 5 to 10 GB of space in the hosting. But don’t take less than 100k inode storage.  

Bandwidth: Make sure your bandwidth is at least 50GB. If your bandwidth is low and your traffic is high, The amount of bandwidth may run out quickly. As a result, your website will go down. 

24/7 support: You must receive hosting from a hosting company that will always support you. They are always active 24 hours in 7 day to serve the customer.  If your hosting is down, you’ll be able to let them know your problem quickly, and they’ll help you immediately.

Auto backup: You can also take hosting from hosting companies that offer auto backup. That is very important for websites. If the hosting company of your choice does not provide the auto backup service, you will have to make arrangements to back up the website yourself.  

The advice of experienced persons

It will be safer and more beneficial for you to consult with people who are well versed in the domain, hosting, websites, internet, and technology before taking up hosting. They know things that may be unknown to you. They will be able to understand your needs and tell you what kind of hosting is suitable for you. 

Hopefully, from the above discussion, you have got some basic knowledge about domain and hosting. And you may have realized What you to do to get a domain and hosting. You can read various blogs on the internet for more details on each topic. Thank you so much for reading this article.


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