Common web pages and Conventional websites in the world

common web pages

Of all the websites in the world, there have many web pages.  Different web pages contain different types of topics. Authors write content under those topics. And web pages have no value without content.

Now I will mention some common web pages that are generally on the website. And I will clearly describe what topics should be on a particular webpage. So let’s start the discussion.

Overview of common web pages

There are many common web pages among conventional websites. I will mention the names, identities of some common web pages. And I will set the title for them. At the same time, I will briefly tell you what topics should be in it.


The homepage is the main page of the website. It contains a summary of what services the website owner or company provides. Some websites describe its content elaborately and some websites mention it briefly.

The home page contains a variety of topics. And not all website topics are ever the same. So it is not possible to say in one word what topic it contains. As different websites have different topics on the homepage.

About page

It is a very common page on the website that mentions the identity of the owner or company, their work, and experience of the officers and employees and their services and other things.

There are 6 common topics on it:

  • Identity
  • Work
  • Location
  • Starting time
  • Why started
  • How started

Contact page

It is a very important and the most common page that mentions the ways to communicate with the owner or company.  

There are 6 common topics on it. These are:

  • Phone Numbers
  • Emails
  • Live Chat
  • Location
  • Contact Form
  • Call Center Hours

Disclaimer Page

This is a serious page. It mentions specific topics that let everyone know that they are not responsible for any damage. Common topics are:

  • External links
  • Error and omission
  • Fair use
  • Views expressed
  • Confidentiality
  • Warranty
  • Copyright
  • No responsibility
  • FAQ, Investment
  • Use at your own risk
  • Affiliate
  • Testimonial disclaimer 

Terms & Conditions page

This is a page that describes the various terms of the company. It stipulates which conditions are applicable to all and which are general conditions that do not lead to strict action and which matters must be complied with. Its common topics are:

  • Rule and conditions
  • Copyright
  • Access
  • Policy additions and changes
  • Termination
  • Payment details clause 
  • Third-party sites and services 
  • Law
  • Jurisdiction.

Privacy policy page

This is a page that contains the owner or company’s privacy policy. Its inside topics are:

  • Introduction
  • Data collection 
  • Reason it
  • action with it
  • privacy and security
  • personal information
  • Complaint and Opinion

FAQs page

The whole sentence is a frequently asked question. This page includes a list of questions and answers about the company’s products, services,  and other issues. There are no fixed topics. The FAQ page of each website contains different topics. It is not possible to say which specific topics are in it.

Careers page

This is a page that usually contains a job offer from the company. This page explains to recruit experienced people. These usually include categories, location, experience, skills, conditions.

Company page

This is a page that contains various information about the company. Its common topics are ambition, skills, leadership, research, innovation and quality, sponsorship, mission, and vision.

Portfolio page

This is a page that contains samples of various works that have been done on this website. Its topics are not specific. As different websites have different portfolio topics.

Testimonials page

This page contains testimonials from trustworthy people or organizations. These usually include Quote, Peer, Social, Success story, Documentary series, and other testimonials.

Blog page

It is a page on which essays on various topics are published. Its topics are not specific too. As different websites create blogs on different topics.   

Write for Us page

This page is made to receive various content from the authors usually. People employed on the website receive it from the authors in exchange for money. They publish it on their own website. Some companies accept content for free. It includes some common topics. Those are

  • Types Of Articles
  • Writing Guidelines
  • How To Submit Articles
  • Who do we allow to publish 
  • Submit form 
  • Publishing time

Product/Services page

This page contains details of what products or services the company provides. On it, common topics are name, description, features, price, customer reviews, terms.

Forums page

This is a page that discusses various topics. Where students, teachers, and other persons get together and communicate and solve various problems. Subjects, Post count, The latest poster, Freshness, General forum, Login are common on this page.

Features page

This is a page that contains features of various topics related to the website. This usually includes navigation, Trendy, user experience, Relevant, authoritative website content, Value, review, descriptions.

Person page

This is a page that contains details of different people. The most used topic of these is Gender, Role, Age, Bio, Experience, Locations, Contact.

Remember, there are many more web pages that will make the description much longer. So I didn’t mention them to summarize the discussion.

conventional websites

Types of Conventional websites and their common web pages

Now I will mention the names of some common websites, and I will briefly describe what common web pages are in them. Wherein everyone can easily remember the names of the websites, their common pages.

Small-Medium Business

(Home, About,  Blog, Contact,  Privacy Policy, Terms Of Condition, Services, Location, FAQs, Careers, Product, Company)


(We Offer, Portfolio, Services, Join Us, Careers, Pricing, Sitemap, FAQ, Gallery, Categories, Features, Home, About,  Blog, Contact,  Privacy Policy, Terms Of Condition)

Landing Page Or Single Page

(Features, Pricing, Pages, Blog, Testimonials, Programs, Service, FAQ, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(Shop, Features, Blog, Help & FAQ, Service, Products, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(Blog, Service, Work, Terms & Conditions, Testimonials, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)

News & Magazine

(Breaking News, Popular, Terms & Conditions, Categories, Gallery, FAQ, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(Courses, Blog, Admissions, Programs, Teachers, Testimonials, Support, Terms Of Use,  Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(Home, Articles, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, Contact)


(Home, About, Packages, Blog, Contact, Offers, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions)

Medical and Healthcare

(Home, About us, Services, News, Contact, Doctors, Department, Privacy policy, Terms & conditions)


(People, Blog, Famous, Terms Of Use,  Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(Account, Help Center, Advertise With Us, Terms Of Use, Category, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(Terms Of Use, Advertise, Sitemap, Help Center, Events, Category, FAQ, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(State Government, Terms & Conditions, News & Alerts, Help Center, Sitemap, Service Sectors, FAQ, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)


(News & Media, Our Work, Join Us, FAQ, Team, Terms Of Use, Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy)

Web Portal

(Login, FAQ, Service, Home, Disclaimers, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, Team, Location, Contact)

Community Forums

(Home, Forums, FAQ, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, Contact)

Catalog Or Brochure

(Home, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, News, Service, Contact)


(Home, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, Team, Contact, Help & Support, Feed)

Search Engine

(Home, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, FAQ, Contact)

Knowledgebase / Wiki

(Home, Blog, Forum, About, Contact, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Help Center)

Business Directory

(Home, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, Blog, Regester, Contact, FAQ, Log In)

Review Site

(Home, Services, Site Map, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, About, FAQ, Help Center, Reviews)

Question And Answer

(Home, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer, Advertise With Us, FAQ, About, Help Center)

Job Boards

(Home, Find Jobs, Blog, Contact, Post A Job, About, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions)

There are many more websites and there are countless web pages that will never end the discussion. Hopefully, you have gained a general idea about the type of website and webpage from this article. Many thanks to you for reading this article.


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