Taharah in Islam and a few ruling about it

Taharah in Islam

Islam gives particular importance to people living a holy life. Indeed the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has declared Taharah (cleanliness) as part of Iman. Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) have mentioned many things in this regard, by which the importance and necessity of Taharah in Islam became clear. Achieving holiness is also one of the critical conditions for Salah and other specific acts of worship. Taharah (cleanliness) is associated with many of the matters of Islam.

So I will mention to you some of the issues related to Taharah (cleanliness), which will benefit every Muslim. At the same time, I will try to present various evidence about Taharah (cleanliness) from Quran and Hadith, Insha Allah. So let’s first know what Taharah means.

What is Taharah in Islam?

Taharah (cleanliness) is the washing of specific organs in a certain way. [At-Ta’rifat Lil-Jurjani, page: 142]

However, Imam Nawabi (Rh) has described a definition of Taharah in his book, which is more explicit. He has mentioned that Taharah is removing ‘Hadath or its similar things’, or Taharah is removing ‘Najasah or its similar items’. [Al-Majmu Sharh Al-Muhadhdhab, volume 1, page 79]

So Al-Hadath (الحدث) or its similar things are a state in oneself that obligates wudu (ablution) or ghusl (bathing). And to free oneself from this state is called Taharah.

Similarly, An-Najasah (النجاسة) or its similar items are unclean and dirty things. Such as urine, faeces, blood, etc. And indeed, Taharah also means removing all these things from one’s body, clothes and places.

Why is Taharah important in Islam?

Due to several matters, the importance and necessity of the Taharah in Islam became clear. Such as, Allah Ta’ala does not accept Salah without Taharah. In this regard, The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Allah does not accept Salah without Taharah (purification), nor charity from Ghulul (embezzled wealth).” [Sunan an-Nasa’i, Hadith No. 139]

If one likes to stay unclean and does not intentionally attain Taharah (holiness), he is in danger of falling into the punishment of the grave. In this regard, Narrated Ibn Abbas (R), The Prophet (peace be upon him) once passed by two graves and said, “These two persons are being punished. And they are not being punished for major work. One of them never saved himself (i.e., his body or clothes) from the urine, and the other used to libel (among people to make enmity between them).” [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 218]

Verily, Allah Ta’ala loves the one who attains Taharah. Allah Ta’ala said: “Indeed, a mosque founded on righteousness from the first day is more worthy for you to stand in (to perform Salah). In it are men who love to purify themselves, and Allah loves those who purify themselves.”  [Surah At-Tawbah, verse 108]

And The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said: “Cleanliness is half of Iman.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 223]

Indeed, Taharah saves people from the deeds of Satans. It also protects them from many sicknesses and evil deeds.

What are the types of Taharah in Islam?

Taharah is of 2 types mainly. 1. Invisible Taharah, 2. Visible Taharah.

Invisible Taharah is to purify the heart from Shirk, Kufr, Hypocrisy, violence, arrogance, hostility, etc. This Taharah is very significant and vital holiness in this world and the Hereafter. But most people neglect it. In this regard, Allah Ta’ala said: “Indeed, he has succeeded who purifies it (soul). And surely, he has failed who hides it (i.e., who conceals good soul through sinning).” [Surah Ash-Shams, verses 9 – 10]

The greatest Impurity and dirty things in this world and the Hereafter are Shirk, Kufr, and Hypocrisy. In this regard, Allah Ta’ala said: “O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are impure, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Ḥaram after this, their (final) year.” [Surah At-Tawbah, verse 28]

Visible Taharah is to purify oneself from Hadaths (الحدث) and Najasah (النجاسة). And every believer can purify oneself from Hadaths (الحدث) through ablution, bathing, and tayammum.

And they can purify their body, clothes, places from Najasah through holy water, or its similar things. In this regard, Allah Ta’ala said: “And it is He (Allah) who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy (i.e., rainfall), and I (Allah) send down from the sky pure water.” [Surah Al-Furqan, verse 48] 

Abu Hurairah (R) said: A man asked the Prophet (peace be upon him): ‘O Messenger of Allah, we travel by sea and we take a little water with us, but if we use it for Wudu, we will be thirsty. Can we perform Wudu with sea-water?’ The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Its water is pure, and its dead meat is permissible.” [Sunan An-Nasa’i, Hadith No. 59]

Types of Al-Hadath (الحدث)

Al-Hadath (Impurity) is of two types. 1. Al-Hadath Al-Asghar (Minor Impurity), 2. Al-Hadath Al-Akbar (Major Impurity).

Minor Impurity is to appear some things within oneself that break the ablution. And the person whose ablution is broken is called a person who has fallen in Hadath or called a Mohdis (المحدث) person. Such a person will become pure from Minor Hadath only if he performs ablution properly. And the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The Salah of a person who does Hadath is not accepted till he performs the ablution.” [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 135]

Major Impurity is to appear some things within oneself that obligate the bathing (Ghusl). And the person on whom bathing is obligatory is called Junubi (الجنبى). This person will become pure from Major Hadath only if he performs Ghusl correctly. In this regard, Allah Ta’ala said: “And if you are in a state of janabah, then purify (yourselves) properly.” [Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 6]

Allah Ta’ala also said: “O you who have believed, do not approach Salah while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying, and (do not approach Salah, Masjid) in a state of janabah except for those who pass the way until you have bathed.” [Surah An-Nisa, verse 43]

What should we do?

We will always be careful to keep our bodies and clothing holy. Indeed, we will do our best to keep the mind, body, and clothes clean in the methods that Islam says. Insha Allah, we will not follow our own instincts to achieve holiness and other matters of religion. Instead, we will follow the way Islam has guided us.

And Allah Ta’ala also has said long ago that “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” [Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 3]

Supplication to Allah

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the grace to achieve holiness correctly and grant us the Tawfiq of realizing the importance of Taharah in Islam properly. Ameen.


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